Journalist and author Michael Smith writes with passion and insight about trust and integrity, compassion and care, in the interests of all stakeholders in the economy. He highlights how business leaders, and each person, can play a part in globalizing such economic, social and human values, person to person, business to business. He addresses these issues in his books, articles and lectures by sharing case stories of best practice from around the world.
The challenge has been heightened by the global Coronavirus pandemic which has devastated people and communities, businesses and economies. Restoring jobs and the global economy is a huge task. At the same time, Black Lives Matter continues to campaign globally against racial discrimination and for economic justice, including jobs, for ethnic minorities.
As well as fiscal policies, a spirit of empathy, community and solidarity is needed. How can this be encouraged, from SMEs to global corporations, reflecting not only good business practice but also the best in human nature?
Find out more about Smith’s books and his story from the links on this website.

His latest book: Leading with Integrity—creating positive change in organizations (Routledge 2019)
Mike Smith shares profound insights into the DNA of good business. His easy, narrative style makes these insights both accessible and persuasive. A thoroughly recommended read for all those who care about a better business ethos.
—Professor Roger Steare FRSA, Corporate Philosopher, author Ethicability.
Five areas of sustainability needed for a world in turmoil
Socially responsible start-ups that help to save the planet
Empathy and outcomes in an age of pandemic
Blog: a white response to Black Lives Matter
Commendation from Aston University
Please find the links (top right and below) to Mike's books and publications, articles and the obituaries he has written for national newspapers.
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